Birds of a Feather

Birds of a feather flock together women are easily influenced by social media trends
the celebrity influencer she is always copying all of her friends

Just like crabs in the bucket women keep other women single jealousy enrages within their eyes
they have all these men in their orbit but they still chase after that one guy

Birds of a feather flock together have you seen the cat fights on girls night out
addicted to social media and attention always got to chase that clout

at the end of the night she goes home alone single and depressed
tired from the alcohol and the dancing now she needs some rest

Birds of a feather flock together they will never know what it’s like to be the lone wolf in the pack
men are going their own way the feminists try to shame us the wrong angle of attack

men are not afraid to be alone we are opting out of society the feminists don’t need us anymore
the battle between men and women the great war

Birds of a feather flock together the prophecy of the end times
blinded by the distractions the sheep don’t see the sign

Bird of a feather flock together when they get scared do they fly away
a heart full of hope a mind full of decay

Written By Joe Fettig

Feminist Kool-Aid

Keep on drinking that Feminist Kool-Aid your a strong and independent women focused on your career
she majored in gender studies drowning in college debt working as a cashier

every wave on feminism gets worse it’s like the zombie apocalypse
is she team Edward or team Jacob she forces you to watch Twilight Eclipse

The feminist keep on drinking that kool-aid I mean Hater-Aid she has so many bodies I wonder if she has a disease
using sex as a weapon against men she is always praying on her knees

modern women think they are perfect tens in reality she’s a four that thinks she is a nine
another forty-niner bites the dust she is still unmarried how’s the decline

The feminists are stupid drunk off that kool-aid she is still afraid to take accountability for her actions
she looking at you like your a meal ticket your relationship is just an ongoing transaction

Men are going their own way no more being traditional ladies you are on your own
a fish without a bicycle buy a dog and die alone

That feminist kool-aid must taste bittersweet guys keep on ghosting you
don’t hate the player hate the game
karma is a bitch time for you to take the walk of shame

Written By Joe Fettig

The Rise of Lonely, Unmarriagable Women

young and middle-aged women are lonely in this generation and it’s only going to get worse. with (MGTOW) men going their own way. more men are waking up and leaving the dating game. Chivalry is dead the feminist killed it.

Modern women are not marriage material. With OnlyFans and social media. women have endless options on choosing a partner. posting misandry on TikTok. Modern women can post how they hate men without taking accountability for their actions. Men get censored on social media platforms. for example Undead Chronic and Andrew Tate have been Censored on YOUTUBE.

Why don’t we have more male space’s ? why don’t we have male talk show’s talking about’s men’s right and mental health ? instead we have day time television pushing the feminist agenda. (MGTOW) gets labeled as an extremist group by authors like Laura Bates. When it’s just men waking up that don’t want to play the game anymore. We are sick and tired of being used for our time, money and resources.

The marriage rates and birth rates are going to continue to drop. they need to update the laws on No-Fault Divorce. mandatory paternity tests need to be taken before signing the birth certificate for every child born. I don’t think they will change the laws because it doesn’t benefit women or the government. I thought the feminist wanted equality though. only when it benefits them.

(MGTOW) men going their own way is a reaction to feminism. We are not an extremist group or a hate group. We don’t hate women we just understand them. being labeled as a misogynist. Men are deciding to get their passports and find a wife overseas. Men are treated as they are disposable in the American Society. Just a walking ATM machine.

Men are not approaching women anymore. With the fear of being rejected and false allegations. Modern women complain about men on social media. Saying they don’t need a man. So men are walking away. Men won’t approach a women with a bad attitude.

(MGTOW) is a male space for men only. Women will never understand. Men want a fit, feminine, and friendly women. Not a masculine women with a high body count. So ladies still haven’t figured out why you are still single ? maybe the feminist movement is a lie. Well it’s too late now. I going to get my passport and go overseas. have a nice life.

Here are some channels I watch on YouTube to get my daily dose of the Red Pill. Sandman, Better Bachelor,Casual Bachelor, Darius M, Man Talk, Manosphere Highlights, Mediocre Tutorials and Reviews, Oshay Duke Jackson, Sir Yeetus, Ribby The Party Frog, Strong Successful Male, 5 years of Freedom, Taylor The Fiend, ETC.

Written By Joe Fettig

She Not Yours

she’s not yours, it’s just your turn
that bitch has herpes and slept with all your homies do you feel the burn

she’s looking for a nice guy after getting her back blown out by chad
you can’t see the daddy issues from a mile away she thinks you are her dad

she’s not yours she cheated on you when she had a girls night out
now she is blaming you for her cheating giving you the silent treatment she pouts

she’s not yours she is using you for a foodie call spend money on me or we can’t date
she’s been reading that female dating strategy again no sex making you wait

she’s not yours, it’s just your turn she wants an open relationship so she can keep her roster on guys
kick this bitch to the curb give her a surprise

it’s been six months now she is begging you to get married she wants the ring
don’t commit to her at all she just wants your resources ghost her ass she is just a fling

the wall is undefeated she is getting desperate to find someone to marry
she tries to baby trap you wanting that sperm she becomes psycho and scary

the wicked witches of the west the modern women are street walking sluts
if the price is right she will let you stick it up her butt

she’s not yours, it’s just your turn she wants you to finance her lifestyle looking for that beta bucks deluxe
tell her to get on her knees and start sucking smile like a duck

Written By Joe Fettig

Female Privilege

men and women are not created equal. they wanted equality so sign up and fight the war that men have been doing for years join the draft
they would rather sit at home spending their husbands money practicing witchcraft

why do females spend less time in prison for committing the same crime
living in a corrupt society the war against men the wage gap myth when men work more overtime

what happened to equality women say they are better than men just look
at the WNBA and sports
always playing the victim using the female privilege card just check the reports

having the advantage in divorce court women think they are entitled to all the man’s money
using sex to lure the man into the trap the taste of the honey

men have to deal with double standards and false accusations being accused of rape
the feminists want to control all the men I am going my own way it’s the only escape

women can curse like a sailor in our society not even worried about the backlash
selling your body online your not marriage material anymore just a side chick I am just going to smash and throw your heart in the trash

having endless dating options using men as they are disposable looking for a good time and not a soulmate
men are deciding to go their own way stop playing checkers I play chess checkmate

Written Joe Fettig